The British University in Egypt fees attract not a tiny number of the students who want to study in Britain. So, how is the education in the British University in Egypt?! And what about these fees?!
The Educational Process in the British University in Egypt
The student finds himself in the same environment as the top-class British universities, who are in cooperation with this university in Egypt, including London South Bank University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Queen Margaret University, and King’s College London.
The British University in Egypt applies the same educational technique offered at these British universities, providing training sessions comprehensively with the theoretical curricula.
That makes the student graduate while knowing each detail of the study theoretically and practically. So, this student will end the study while having the complete ability to compete well in the global labor market and in the global academic world.
Huge, well-prepared libraries, the latest technological training centers, and great advanced research centers are available at the British University in Egypt.
So, especially for the postgraduate students, you will have the ability to conduct the best research that enhances your position globally for the top opportunity in the professional and academic life.
Also, these training centers are supplied by the top technology that is used in the international labor market. So, all about the business life and professional world, including the latest used technology, will be with you.
The Certificates of the British University in Egypt
The British universities that are in cooperation with this university in Egypt provide certificates that are issued and authenticated by them just like the students who studied in their environments.
These certificates from these globally prestigious universities have a huge position in the global labor market and at the top-class academic environments.
So, the student takes all these advantages, including the educational quality and the same value of the students applied at the top British universities.
But what is the difference between the British university in Egypt and the essential branch in the UK?!
In Egypt, you take this British education while costing low tuition fees compared to the essential branches in the UK.
Also, life in Egypt is affordable, in spite of the high quality of services and facilities in Egypt that quality its nature as a tourist country. So, enjoy high-quality accommodation and transportation, visiting tourist attractions, food, and all the essential and joyful amenities while costing low prices.
Also, you will relish a high-security system that is available around the clock and everywhere.
What are the British university fees in Egypt for international students?!
- Engineering: C: $8,730, B: $7,871, A: $7,298, A*: $6,725.
- Art & Design: C: $8,180, B: $7,403, A: $6,885, A*: $6,367.
- Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering, which includes as one of its majors the Science Park, NanoTechnology Research: C: $6,920, B: $6,332, A: $5,940, A*: 5,548.
- Informatics & Computer Science: C: $8,180, B: $7,403, A: $6,885, A*: $6,367.
For more info about British University in Egypt fees and how to pay, you can contact our expert consultants.