Guglielmo Marconi University Egypt

Guglielmo Marconi University Egypt
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Guglielmo Marconi University Egypt is this Italian university that is ranked as the 36 one from approximately 90 universities in Italy.

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Actually, a great number of the international students ask about this university in Egypt, and want to apply for it instead of the essential branch in Italy.

Why Study in Guglielmo Marconi University Egypt?! 

Guglielmo Marconi University Egypt provides the same certificates that you can obtain when studying in its branch in Italia, which are well-accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) and highly valued globally in the labor market and the western and eastern top academic environments, enabling the students who carry them to compete effectively in the professional and academic worlds.

The same educational environment of the Guglielmo Marconi University in Italy is available in the branch in Egypt, offering the same educational quality, applying the same technique by offering academic and practical curricula comprehensively with the existence of the latest technological training centers, the newest laboratories, plus great, well-prepared, and highly technological libraries.

That is why the students graduate while knowing each detail of the field of study, whether theoretically or practically, having the complete ability to achieve success in professional and academic life.

But what is the difference that makes the branch in Egypt more preferred to the international students instead of the Italian one? 

This university in Egypt provides the same educational quality and the same certificates as the Italian branch, while the tuition fees in Egypt are definitely different.

When comparing the tuition fees of the university in Egypt with the university in Italy, we will find that the cost in Egypt is too low; you can get in touch with our expert academic consultants to tell you all the fees of the program you need to study at the university in Egypt.

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Also, life in Egypt is too affordable despite the high quality of life due to the nature of Egypt as a tourist country with top-class amenities and facilities. But Egypt’s multi-class social nature has made the cost of living in Egypt low. 

While life in Italy is higher in cost than in Egypt, and that is why the international students select Egypt.

Guglielmo Marconi University Egypt Majors 

The newest partnership with University of Guglielmo Marconi Italy has created Italian majors, including

Pre-graduate and post-graduate programs in business administration, engineering, and information technology. 

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